Saturday, May 24, 2008

Trip to Miss America

This January, I had my 16th birthday. As a special present from my mom and step dad I was given the opportunity to go to Las Vegas Nevada to see the Miss America Pageant. One of my close family friends, and my "big sister queen" from my Watertown Teen title in 2006, Dana Daunis is currently Miss CT and because of that she was competing for Miss America. My mom thought it would be nice, as did I! I went to Las Vegas on January 22nd and had the opportunity to make it to all the preliminary competitions except for one. I was lucky enough to be there the night that our own Miss CT won the Talent Prelim for her group (which included Kirsten Haglund who later became Miss America).. it was very exciting. On that Friday, I watch Miss America Live, and there was nothing like it. It was so much fun. I was lucky that I had the chance to be there, it is one of those things that doesn't happen every day. While I was in Vegas I got to see Circe D'Solei - which was AMAZING, and I also witness the fire in the Monte Carlo. On the following Monday everyone from our Connecticut family was supposed to be coming home, but an unpredicted storm held us up for over 9 hours, and we didn't arrive home until 6:30 the next morning. Although, the end of my trip had a couple bumps. My trip to Miss America was awsome.

click here for photos from my trip -

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