Saturday, May 24, 2008

Miss & Little Miss Greater Watertown 2008

This year I got to play a large role in our Miss Greater Watertown Pageant and our Little Miss Watertown Pageant. Although not much ever changes in our Miss Pageant, there was a change this year in the little miss. We crowned two girls. A "little miss" and a "Petite miss". Over the couple of months before the pageant which was held in March, I got to meet a bunch of little girls and great women who were competing for the titles. I got to go to all the practices and be there right before the competition itself. It was sad because I had to say goodbye to the current Miss Watertown - Marissa Ranalli, who was one of my good friends, and our little miss - Lauren Pavo, but it was exciting because we got new big and little sisters in our program. Our new Little Miss for 2008 is Isha Patel, and our new Petite Miss is Julia Bugnacki. Our night culminated with the crowning our (my neighbor) Arielle Polites. Our 2008 pageant family is so much fun, and I know that this year is going to be unforgettable.

Also, as of today (May 24, 2008) we have ANOTHER member to our family; Our Watertown's Diamond - Ava Bugnacki.

click here for more photos of rehearsals and the pageant night -

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