Saturday, May 24, 2008

Meet with the Easter Bunny

On March 22nd. All of the Watertown pageant family had the chance to Meet the Easter Bunny. It is one of those appearances that is done yearly. We got to meet at Watertown High School, hand out goody bags, and take pictures with all the young children gathered that day to meet the Easter Bunny. It was a wonderful bonding time for all of us girls, since it was one of the first times we all were together. At the end of the meeting with the Easter Bunny, we got to walk in the Easter Parade around the track (following our leader: Mr. Easter Bunny). After that was over we all took a trip to Ragtime Boutique in Watertown and took pictures that were later going to be used for publicity for our Watertown Fashion Show.

click here for photos from this event -

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