Thursday, June 12, 2008

Memorial Day Parade

Sorry, it has been a while since I updated this... with the end of school and work and preparations for the pageant it has been hard. 

Anyway, on Memorial Day, the entire Miss Greater Watertown family was in the Memorial Day Parade in Watertown. This year the parade ran from the center of Watertown, "Marshalls Plaza" to the center of Oakville. It was so much fun! Of course it was hot, but we just looked at is as a time to get a tan. =] Becky and I rode in a red Mustang (my favorite), Arielle rode in an old corvette, and all our Diamonds and our two "Littles" rode in an old fashioned truck... it was adorable! We all had so much fun. We never stopped smiling or waving. It was so cool to see so many faces of people that we knew - I even saw my boss at Carvel! As the parade ended, we jumped out of the cars and gathered around the large flag that is in the center of Oakville. We stayed there for about an hour and watched and listened to the ceremony that took place - Arielle even got to sing God Bless America. After that was finished, we went up to the Oakville library to take group pictures. The whole day was exciting and fun, and it just showed me again why I love all my sisters (queens).

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